When did you last stop yourself from sharing your opinion because of fear of what other people might think? For fear that they might judge you as silly, weird or ridiculous? Overly emotional or boring? Too “woo-woo” or too practical? Too much or not enough??! Or the worst: that they might think ‘who does she […]
One of many® ideas
That just might change your world.
Instinct or intuition… can you tell the difference?
Are you someone who prides herself on her good judgment? Do you “go with your gut” when making decisions, from what career path to take, to who to hire, or finding a partner? And have you ever thought about whether you’re using instinct or intuition? If you’d love to enhance your ability to make the […]
How to lead through a crisis
In the past few years, I think all of us have been called to step up and lead through a crisis of one kind or another. Whether unofficially with your family, your community, your team – or in an official leadership position of some kind – those of us with the capacity to inspire others […]
Are you thriving or just surviving? Why we should be aiming for optimal health
How are you doing? Would you say you were enjoying optimal health and vitality? Or are you just getting through these challenging times the best you can? I’ve been working in women’s health for nearly 8 years and I’m blown away by how strong women are. But I’ve also noticed a frustrating underlying acceptance that […]
Guest article: Do your hormones impact how you manage your money?
As a woman, have you ever stopped to consider how your hormones impact how you manage your money? Before I became a money coach for women, my background was in women’s health. And yet, I’d never really thought about the idea that the way I handled my money was affected by my menstrual cycle. But […]
How to stay effective when your workplace is going through change
Has your workplace been going through change recently? A while back, we asked our community what you’d most like help with. And Sarah shared a challenge I think many of us will be able to relate to: “How to cope with workplaces that are difficult… budget cuts, staff shortages, covid restrictions, overstretched and ineffective management […]
These women’s coaches discovered an extraordinary way to help families
It started with a phonecall. Pollyanna England is a Certified Women’s coach who also owns a property business, and in 2020 a friend reached out to her. Let’s call her Sarah. She was someone Pollyanna had previously worked with closely, and now she needed help. Sarah’s partner had attacked her. The incident was witnessed by […]
Guest article: What do your clothes say about you?
I know you are a gorgeous, unique and brilliant woman, but does the way you dress reflect that? In my experience, women who are on a personal growth journey often have a yearning to have a fabulous style but lack the know-how, ideas and confidence to make the up level. I see our clothes as […]
Guest post: Women and ethical investment in 2022
More women than ever before are making their money work harder by investing. A recent study found that in 2021, 67% of women had investments outside of retirement, in comparison with just 44% in 2018. That’s a huge increase in just a few years! Women are increasingly viewing their finances, not just in terms of […]
Is Superwoman running your diary?
Who’s actually running your schedule? That might seem like an odd question – well, it’s you of course. But which you? After all, we all have many versions of ourselves. (You wanting to crawl back under the covers at dawn on a grey February morning probably makes very different decisions to well-rested, post-coffee you at […]
The ONE question busy women forget to ask when it comes to setting goals
Resolutions, intentions, setting goals, your “word of the year”… a new calendar year is a potent time for imagining something different. What change do you want to see in your life in the coming 12 months? Whether it’s your job, your marriage, or the way you feel when you look in the mirror – you […]
How to see the ones you love differently
Judgment, decisions, tolerance and acceptance. These are 4 ways we tend to “filter” our experience when it comes to our relationships. In some ways, they’re helpful. They can help us feel as though we’re in control, and that we can protect ourselves from being disappointed by other people. But they can also put massive limitations […]
Guest article: 5 bridges to find your way back to yourself
3 years ago my daughter, then 14, ended up in psychiatric hospital after trying to take her life for the third time. It was the biggest crisis I had ever faced as a parent. I was terrified. And once I got to the hospital and realised all of her limbs were in place and she […]
How to make sure you turn theory into practice
In these days of digital training accessible at the touch of a button, learning new things is easy to do. But how can you make sure you turn theory into practice, and really begin to apply and integrate your new skills into your life? We’ve led thousands of women through our trainings, ranging from our […]
How to help someone change
Is there someone in your life who’s trying (and failing) to make a big change? Maybe they know their relationship is over but can’t quite seem to end it for good. Or they want to take the leap and try a different career, but somehow, it’s never the right time to apply for anything else. […]
3 reasons women put our health last
We all do it. Whether it’s putting off getting that little niggle checked out by a specialist, pushing through another cold because you “don’t have time to get ill” or simply living life in a permanent state of semi-dehydration… many, many of us women put our health last. Why? Well, each of us are different. […]
When you know what you should be doing for your health
You know what you should be doing for your health, right? Eat properly, exercise frequently, be mindful, no caffeine, no dairy, no sugar… I think I’ve heard some version of the “shoulda, woulda, coulda” from almost every woman I know at some point. And I am very much including myself in that! How about you? […]
4 deadly to-do list sins (and how to avoid them!)
There are days when you wake at 4am. You don’t know what woke you up, but you’re cursing it. Now your brain has started ticking. Running through your to-do list, thinking about the things you didn’t get done yesterday, and everything you want to achieve today. You finally give up on trying to get back […]
3 steps to reclaim your brain
This is a guest post by Laura Coleman. As the train pulls into Moorgate Station, my insides explode with anxiety. I bolt up to my feet, knocking into the knees of the person opposite me. I feel my cheeks flush with heat and a disorienting dizziness fills my head. I mumble incoherently under my breath, […]
How to accept a compliment (and why it matters)
“Wow – you’re amazing!” Words to make you glow with pride…. Or shrink into a tiny ball of embarrassment? If accepting compliments makes you cringe a little (or a lot), you might be surprised to know you’re not alone. Over the years a few researchers have explored our reaction to compliments. Way back in 1990, […]