One of many® ideas

That just might change your world.

How to Create a Self-Care Plan and Why You Need One

What is self-care and why do you need it? By self-care, I mean purposely and actively taking time for yourself to do something that rejuvenates and energises you. Self-care is not an indulgence, it’s central to your wellbeing. I want to invite you to think about self-care differently and make it a priority in your […]

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Why “Work-Life Balance” Isn’t the Solution for Women Today

I often hear women talk about “work-life balance” as the golden key to having it all – the career, the family, the friendships, and some elusive concept of self-care. It’s an idea that seems so logical on the surface, but over years of working with incredible women, I’ve come to see the cracks in this […]

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How is wellness different from health?

When it comes to taking care of yourself, making sure you’re in optimum health has got to be a priority for all of us. It’s fundamental, isn’t it – if we’re not physically doing OK, there’s no way we can perform at our best intellectually, emotionally, or spiritually. If you’re sick, injured or unwell, you’re […]

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Is this why you feel you have nothing to wear?

Over time, most of us build up quite the collection of clothes. We buy pieces that catch our eye online or in the shops. We buy outfits for special occasions. We might have clothes that’ve been gifted by friends or loved ones (that you may not even like…). The trouble for many women is that […]

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The Power of Clarity, Love, and Support in Business Growth

In the dynamic world of entrepreneurship, where success stories often celebrate courage under pressure, it’s crucial to challenge a cultural belief deeply ingrained in our minds. We’ve been conditioned to think that people are at their most courageous when the stakes are high, and the pressure is on. While it’s true that many of us […]

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How to Bring Gravitas to Crucial Conversations and Boost Your Confidence

When was the last time you found yourself in a conversation that really mattered-where the stakes were high, and you knew you needed to show up fully? Maybe it was negotiating your salary, asking for a promotion, or standing up for yourself in a difficult situation. These moments can be daunting, but with the right […]

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How to Find Clarity When You’re Feeling Overwhelmed

We’ve all been there-feeling like we’re spinning a million plates in the air, running from one task to another, and barely able to catch our breath. Whether you’re running a business, leading a team, or juggling multiple projects, overwhelm can creep in fast and leave you feeling completely stuck. It’s that feeling when everything seems […]

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Ten Lessons from Ten Years: What One of many Has Taught Me

This year marks a monumental milestone for us at One of many-ten years of community, transformation, and growth. As I stood at our 10th Anniversary Gala reflecting on this journey, I found myself in awe of how far we’ve come and the extraordinary women (and men!) who’ve been part of this adventure. I’ve learned so […]

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What makes a meaningful career?

What makes a meaningful career? We all have good days and bad days – times when it feels like your tasks are flying off the to-do list, and others when it’s more like wading through treacle. But apart from the usual ups and downs, do you feel like your days are spent doing work that’s ultimately […]

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Finding Clarity in a Confusing World

Clarity. We all want it. I now know how to get it.  But curiously, at the age of 18, I had it in spades. I knew what was wrong with the world and what needed fixing. What was wrong with everyone else. And why I was right. Oh, the naivety of youth. Is it just […]

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Redefining Success and Self-Care

This is highly important, critical, and urgent.  You are more than a resource. You cannot be expected to be indefatigable and constantly productive. Yet, this is the pressure that society puts on us-especially on women, who are more often expected to excel in multiple roles simultaneously (career, family, community, and more). This mindset is deeply […]

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Embracing authentic leadership without burnout

The truth is: we need more women in leadership. And yet… the Superwoman myth often deters women from stepping into their leadership potential due to fear of burnout and unattainable expectations.But let’s redefine leadership for a second… It’s not about your title, who you have power over, or how big your salary is. Leadership can […]

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The Importance of Building Community

The Superwoman myth promotes the idea of hyper-independence, but true strength lies in community and collaboration. In Superwoman: Escaping the Myth, I share stories and insights on the power of community support. Building a network of like-minded women can provide the encouragement and resources needed to thrive both personally and professionally. The Isolation of Superwoman […]

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Burnout: An excerpt from Dr Joanna Martin’s upcoming book Superwoman: Escaping the Myth

Burnout. The dreaded word. It’s become a bit of a buzzword in leadership contexts, and for good reason. It is a pervasive and critical issue that does not discriminate, and yet research shows that women are particularly susceptible to burnout due to societal expectations and the dual burdens of career and family.  We know that […]

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Redefining power: An excerpt from Jo’s upcoming book

We have a word problem. Power. That word.  It’s laced with undercurrents of “power over”, domination, oppression.  And frankly, whether we’ve experienced it personally or not… as a gender we’ve suffered at the hands of that kind of power for too many generations to count. To say nothing of the impact colonialism has had on […]

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The only constant in life is change

Change. It’s a constant. As the Greek philosopher Heraclitus says, it’s the one thing we can be sure upon in life. If you were at One Woman Conference last weekend you’d have heard the announcement about the HUGE changes that we are making here at One of many.  We celebrate our 10 year anniversary this […]

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A surprising way to boost your leadership

Sometimes the things which have the biggest impact on your world are the ones you least expect. That’s certainly what I discovered when I stumbled on a surprising way to boost your leadership. It’s something you might be inclined to dismiss as “frivolous” or “unnecessary” but for me, quite the opposite was true. So read […]

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Want to change your life? Read this first

Whether it’s a career change, a house move, or the end of a relationship, change is hard. It’s crazy, right – you can be in a job that feels like it’s sucking your soul, an eating pattern that has you feeling like absolute crap or a relationship you know it’s time to end. And yet […]

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When boundaries don’t work

Boundaries are one of our most essential tools when it comes to staying sane and managing our multiple responsibilities. Whether it’s clarity around work responsibilities, structure around your time or knowing just what is and isn’t acceptable when it comes to communication, forget diamonds – boundaries are your very best friend. So when boundaries don’t […]

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Why at One of many it’s International Women’s Day, everyday

It’s International Women’s Day. A movement which is championing gender equality. A world free of bias, stereotypes and discrimination. I can’t believe we are having to imagine it. Why it isn’t in existence already? Yet according to the UN, gender equality is still 300 years away. Estimates say it will take 286 years to close […]

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