Too much to do, too little time? Welcome to the somewhat knackered club! Research this year from the Mental Health Foundation Thinktank in the UK showed that 81% of women felt overwhelmed or unable to cope in the past year (and we’re not being swamped with spa days or lie-ins). Having too much to do […]
One of many® ideas
That just might change your world.
When you feel like you’re failing
Do you ever feel like a total failure? Whether it’s messing up as a mum or dropping the ball on a key work target, when you feel like you’re failing it can be tough to pick yourself up and keep going. And yet failure can actually be an incredibly powerful tool for growth. What makes […]
How to tell if you’re busy or productive
Have you ever felt as though, even though you spend your day ticking boxes and meeting deadlines, you don’t seem to be getting any closer to the big things you really dream of doing? You’re zooming from task to task like a bee after one too many cups of coffee, so how come it feels […]
Can’t make a decision? Try this
When you can’t make a decision the feeling of mounting pressure can be intense – and the impact of not taking action can be bigger than you think. A while ago I coached a woman who absolutely hated her job. I mean, really hated it. She described herself as “feeling slowly suffocated” by the time […]
How to manage women
Irene Rosenfeld is the CEO of Mondelez International, one of the largest snack companies in the world. With $26 billion in annual sales, they count Oreos and Ritz crackers among their products. So it’s probably safe to say she knows a thing or two about how to manage women (and men!) to create results. When […]
How to start a coaching business
Imagine: Spending your days with inspiring clients, watching them go on to make a massive difference in their communities. Supporting women to step into their power with powerful choices that work for them and their families. Choosing your hours, playing to your strengths and getting paid for what you love to do. Sounds like a […]
What to do when you’re jealous
Who do you know who’s annoyingly perfect? Maybe it’s a friend who’s given up drinking and carbs for pre-dawn yoga sessions, and looks about ten years younger. An ex-colleague who’s out there killing it and soaking up the praise, while you’re stuck behind the same old desk. Or the mum in the playground frolicking happily […]
Mindfulness: where to start
Mindfulness is the practice of bringing awareness to the present moment, or what is actually happening. It can be easier said than done – most of us spend a lot of our time either processing what has happened in the past, or projecting and planning the future. Here are some tips if you’re curious about […]
The power of connection
In a world that’s increasingly connected digitally, and yet more and more isolated in real terms, we’re understanding more and more the power of connection. Connecting with others has a huge impact on our wellbeing – physically, emotionally, and economically. But why exactly is that – and what’s the impact those connections have on our […]
Guest blog: Why don’t we (actually) change the world?
My vision is a world in which everyone who wants to change the world for the better is inspired and empowered to do so. It’s a big vision. Making this vision a reality is like eating the proverbial elephant – I’ll be doing it one bite at a time and in collaboration with many others […]
How to ask for help without being needy
Have you ever got to the point of total overwhelm and exhaustion… not because you didn’t have the support around you, but because you just didn’t know how to ask for help? I had one particularly memorable meltdown after spending the day with a new team member. Ironically, this amazing woman was someone I’d hired […]
What marriage is really like
Want to know what marriage is really like? Let me paint you a picture. We’re in the kitchen, when Greg opens the fridge and does a double take. “Why is there so much food in the fridge? Do we have people coming round, or something?” He knows the answer already. I’ve mentioned it at least […]
How to handle Imposter Syndrome
I was in the boarding lounge at Heathrow Airport, in tears. (Not one of my proudest moments, I have to say) I was crying because I was about to do something amazing. I’d been invited to Sir Richard Branson’s Necker Island for a leadership gathering where I was going to meet Presidential candidates, Nobel Peace […]
5 reasons leadership training doesn’t work
Traditional leadership training doesn’t work for many of the women in our community. It might sound controversial, but we believe a different approach is needed if you’re going to have the impact you truly want to (and are capable of!). Think about the leaders who inspire you – the ones who’ve made the biggest difference […]
Criticism or judgement? What to do when feedback hurts
As women leaders, we can’t control all the criticism or judgment that we’re going to receive from others. It doesn’t matter how big or small your vision is. The very nature of declaring that you stand for something, or that you’re making any kind of change, opens us up to feedback from others. Whether you’re […]
Personal finances – where to start
Did you know that in the UK, where I live currently, it’s estimated women are going to hold more than 60% of the country’s wealth by 2025 ? We are a veritable army of change waiting to be tapped into. If we equip and empower ourselves around money and start making decisions which are in […]
Can wealth make you happy?
Can wealth make you happy? If you don’t have much money it’s tempting to think that it can; if you know you have plenty, you’re probably wondering why it doesn’t. The fact is, wealth alone is the wrong measure to be looking at when it comes to our happiness, and here’s why: In every area […]
Guest blog: Mindfulness for women
Mindfulness is everywhere. You can buy books on Mindful Cooking, Mindful gardening, Mindful walking. There are mindfulness diaries and even Mindfulness colouring books! So what does mindfulness for women look like? Mindfulness has become a buzz word and is being rolled out through corporate, health sectors, schools and even in Government. It is an attention […]
What’s my leadership style?
Where are you a leader in your life? At work? Running a business? Or within your family, community, or voluntary organization? Here at One of many our mission is to create a movement of women ready to become the leaders the world needs. After all, as a planet, the model of power that’s been dominant […]
Guest blog: How to heal burnout
There is a lot written about burnout and adrenal fatigue. The peak age of onset of fatigue related illness is people between the ages of 20 – 40, 82% of whom are women. Women just like you, who live busy, full lives with families and careers. Women who move out of their body and live in […]