“I feel like I’m failing on every front.” Thousands of women had tuned in to find their momentum for change. And maybe they weren’t expecting to hear those words coming from my mouth. After all – from the outside, it probably looked as though I had it all together. We were hosting a stellar virtual […]
One of many® ideas
That just might change your world.
How to change your career without burning bridges
Knowing how to change your career without burning bridges is an invaluable skill these days. You might have been through a few iterations of your working life already. Or perhaps you’re experiencing for the first time the feeling that what’s next for you might look very different to what came before. Whatever the circumstances, here’s […]
How to stop worrying what people think
Do you find yourself worrying what people think of you? We’ve all been there – that sudden paralysis of panic when we think back to a conversation, an email or a message. “Did I come across as I meant to?” we ask ourselves, sweaty-palmed. “Did they think I was being weird/loud/arrogant/fake/stupid?” It can be tough […]
Time management tools for women
The statistics speak for themselves. In 2018, according to the UK’s biggest survey into stress and its impacts, 81% of women said they felt overwhelmed or unable to cope in the past year. (That’s compared to 67% of men). So if you’re searching for the perfect time management tools for women with too much to […]
How to turn a bad mood around in 4 steps
Have you ever had one of those days where everything’s going great – you’re rocking and rolling through your to-do list, staying on top of things, looking forward to your plans for the evening and then – BAM – out of the blue something happens that makes it all fall apart? It’s moments like that […]
How to handle your inner critic
Want to know how to handle your inner critic? Right now, many of us are hearing that nit-picking little voice more than ever. And the things she comes out with can be spiteful. “You’re a terrible mother. How could you have scheduled yourself to lead a training on the day of your daughter’s nursery visit? […]
7 ways to feel better when it all gets too much
How do you keep going when it all gets too much? I remember vividly the day when I found out. I was exhausted. At the end of my tether. And I knew there was one place I could turn to for help. “Today I feel so tired I could cry,” I typed into Facebook. It […]
What to do if you’re lonely
Do you ever feel lonely? For many women, a feeling that no-one really “sees” who we are is one that looms ever larger in our lives these days. And yet – we’re surrounded by people. Our colleagues, families, friends, partners… from the outside, you’d never guess how many of us feel isolated and alone. So […]
What coaching survivors can teach us about burnout
One of the most exciting aspects of the coaching tools we share here at One of many is the way they support women facing almost any challenge you can think of – and today I’d love to introduce you to a coach using them to support women in some of the toughest of circumstances. Anna […]
Two secrets to building a support network
As a woman who wants to make a positive difference in the world – and is juggling plenty of things as she does so – building a support network is critical. Today I want to share two key things to consider as you consciously craft a network that will really help you thrive. Why is […]
Guest post: How to stop worrying about standing out
When did you last stop yourself from sharing your opinion because of fear of what other people might think? For fear that they might judge you as silly, weird or ridiculous? Overly emotional or boring? Too “woo-woo” or too practical? Too much or not enough??! Or the worst: that they might think ‘who does she […]
Instinct or intuition… can you tell the difference?
Are you someone who prides herself on her good judgment? Do you “go with your gut” when making decisions, from what career path to take, to who to hire, or finding a partner? And have you ever thought about whether you’re using instinct or intuition? If you’d love to enhance your ability to make the […]
How to lead through a crisis
In the past few years, I think all of us have been called to step up and lead through a crisis of one kind or another. Whether unofficially with your family, your community, your team – or in an official leadership position of some kind – those of us with the capacity to inspire others […]
Are you thriving or just surviving? Why we should be aiming for optimal health
How are you doing? Would you say you were enjoying optimal health and vitality? Or are you just getting through these challenging times the best you can? I’ve been working in women’s health for nearly 8 years and I’m blown away by how strong women are. But I’ve also noticed a frustrating underlying acceptance that […]
How to Consciously Craft Your Network
Want to know my biggest leadership secret – the thing that allows me to to what I do, day in, day out? It’s not me at all. You see, I wouldn’t be the leader I am without my support network. From our amazing team here, to Greg, to my sister Kath, my friends, and all […]
Guest article: Do your hormones impact how you manage your money?
As a woman, have you ever stopped to consider how your hormones impact how you manage your money? Before I became a money coach for women, my background was in women’s health. And yet, I’d never really thought about the idea that the way I handled my money was affected by my menstrual cycle. But […]
How to stay effective when your workplace is going through change
Has your workplace been going through change recently? A while back, we asked our community what you’d most like help with. And Sarah shared a challenge I think many of us will be able to relate to: “How to cope with workplaces that are difficult… budget cuts, staff shortages, covid restrictions, overstretched and ineffective management […]
These women’s coaches discovered an extraordinary way to help families
It started with a phonecall. Pollyanna England is a Certified Women’s coach who also owns a property business, and in 2020 a friend reached out to her. Let’s call her Sarah. She was someone Pollyanna had previously worked with closely, and now she needed help. Sarah’s partner had attacked her. The incident was witnessed by […]