We all want it.
But curiously, at the age of 18, I had it in spades. I knew what was wrong with the world and what needed fixing. What was wrong with everyone else. And why I was right.
Oh, the naivety of youth.
Is it just me, or does the older we get, the less certain and less clear we become?
In every coaching session I do, I am met with a smart, capable woman with a question. The question is usually a version of, “How do I handle this?” or “What should I do next?”
The truth is, in 9 out of 10 cases, I believe that smart, intelligent, capable woman could find her own clarity and answer… and the only reason she hasn’t yet?
Time to think and adequately assess the entirety of things.
First, we need to be able to correctly define the problem.
Then we need to access all of the competing points of view we hold inside of us, which often leads to more confusion. Head vs. heart. Future self vs. present self. Queen vs. Lover.
We need to determine whether we have all the information we need to decide.
We need to seek that counsel if we don’t.
And we have to sometimes find clarity, not on the whole project, but only on the next right move.
That’s quite a bit of thinking.
But we don’t do it.
Instead, we worry. We oscillate, going round and round on possible terrible outcomes of doing this instead of that. And we end up paralyzed.
So, if clarity is what you need, then space and a clear-thinking process are what you need.
When was the last time you gave yourself the gift of time and space to be with yourself and just think?!
If you need a bit of a prompt to do it, we're meeting as a community to do it together at “Your Next Chapter” on the 7th of September, live in London. (Find out more)
Bring your confusion, bring your curiosity, bring your desire for a clear answer and plan.
And that is exactly what you will leave with.
Plus, a host of new friends and wonderful memories of an amazing day.
If you’re really up for the fun side… join us in a Gala dinner in the evening to celebrate 10 years of One of Many. We’d love to see you all there!
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