This is highly important, critical, and urgent. You are more than a resource. You cannot be expected to be indefatigable and constantly productive. Yet, this is the pressure that society puts on us-especially on women, who are more often expected to excel in multiple roles simultaneously (career, family, community, and more). This mindset is deeply […]
One of many® ideas
That just might change your world.
Embracing authentic leadership without burnout
The truth is: we need more women in leadership. And yet… the Superwoman myth often deters women from stepping into their leadership potential due to fear of burnout and unattainable expectations.But let’s redefine leadership for a second… It’s not about your title, who you have power over, or how big your salary is. Leadership can […]
The only constant in life is change
Change. It’s a constant. As the Greek philosopher Heraclitus says, it’s the one thing we can be sure upon in life. If you were at One Woman Conference last weekend you’d have heard the announcement about the HUGE changes that we are making here at One of many. We celebrate our 10 year anniversary this […]
A surprising way to boost your leadership
Sometimes the things which have the biggest impact on your world are the ones you least expect. That’s certainly what I discovered when I stumbled on a surprising way to boost your leadership. It’s something you might be inclined to dismiss as “frivolous” or “unnecessary” but for me, quite the opposite was true. So read […]
Want to change your life? Read this first
Whether it’s a career change, a house move, or the end of a relationship, change is hard. It’s crazy, right – you can be in a job that feels like it’s sucking your soul, an eating pattern that has you feeling like absolute crap or a relationship you know it’s time to end. And yet […]
Why at One of many it’s International Women’s Day, everyday
It’s International Women’s Day. A movement which is championing gender equality. A world free of bias, stereotypes and discrimination. I can’t believe we are having to imagine it. Why it isn’t in existence already? Yet according to the UN, gender equality is still 300 years away. Estimates say it will take 286 years to close […]
How to develop your intuition
How much do you trust yourself? Everyone has intuitive potential – but for some of us, it can feel as though our intuition is frustratingly out of reach. Don’t worry. There are some simple tools that have helped women in our community learn how to develop their intuition, and with regular practice I think you’ll […]
Use Your Outfits to Boost Your Mood
by Helen Reynolds Whatever you’re doing right now, I invite you to take a pause and check in with how you are feeling. Now, take a look down at your outfit. Does it match your mood? Today, I’d love to inspire you to tune into the power of using your outfits to boost your mood. […]
The practise of devoted listening
I truly believe we could change the world if we all just listened better. Deeply. With reverence. To the humanity, challenges, hopes and dreams of those around us. Yes we need action too. But in order to take right action we need to deeply listen. In this extract from a recent workshop, I teach our […]
Navigating your financial wellness: 4 nervous system techniques
As we step into a new year, contemplating our financial goals for 2024 becomes a common theme. In a world often dominated by status-driven expectations and relentless consumerism encouraging us to indulge, and with a lingering cultural paradigm that investing is primarily a man’s domain, managing our finances can become a complex and emotionally charged […]
What is peace really?
In the midst of the turmoil that plagues the world, it’s hard not to feel the weight of the atrocities unfolding in the Middle East and beyond. The ongoing conflicts in the region, coupled with unrest in various corners of the globe, have stirred a whirlwind of emotions—fear, anger, hatred, guilt, and shame. It’s all […]
Excerpt from Jo’s upcoming book ‘The Superwoman Myth”
I’m going to make a broad sweeping statement which I have no way of backing up, but which feels true for me. And when I share this with other women, it seems to resonate deeply for them too. I believe women have been sold a lie. That lie is this: in order to be of […]
The indescribable power of grace
I don’t normally talk about matters of a spiritual nature as part of my work with One of many, lest I be judged too woo woo, and not taken seriously in the work I do. But I’m taking a risk this week, as it feels important. I am feeling deeply blessed. Not in the social […]
The Busy-ness Badge of Honour: Why Being Busy Isn’t Always Productive
In our fast-paced society, being busy is often seen as a badge of honour. We wear our busy-ness like a medal, proud of how much we can accomplish in a day. But is being busy always productive? Today we’ll explore why the busy-ness badge of honour can be detrimental and how to shift our mindset […]
Impostor Syndrome
If you ever have that feeling that sooner or later someone is going to find out that you’re actually no good at whatever it is you’re doing, that you’re a total fraud…. or indeed you’ve not taken opportunities IN CASE someone finds out you’re a fraud… then chances are you’ve heard someone talk about Impostor […]