About six months ago, I got the idea that I wanted to get a painting that signified Mother Earth to put in this particular spot on my bedroom wall. So I did some Googling online and I found some pictures that I really liked … but they were done by an artist in the States, […]
One of many® ideas
That just might change your world.
How to Banish Confusion: Let Your Body Be Your Guide
How many times has this happened to you? You have a decision that you know you have to make, but for some reason you just … can’t … do it. You feel paralysed by “what ifs” and “maybes” to the point that you may not even end up making a decision at all. But what […]
My Rituals for Reentry: How to Hit the Ground Running After a Break
I think there are few things as frustrating as coming back from a holiday ready to take on the world the morning of your first day back … and feeling like you’ve fallen flat on your face by the afternoon. This used to happen to me all the time (and from what you ladies have […]
How to make changes that actually stick
A few weeks ago, millions of people throughout the UK made New Year’s resolutions … and this Sunday, most people are going to break them. In fact, the 17th of January has become known as “Ditch Your New Year’s Resolution Day” because statistically, that’s when the most people break their diets, pick up a cigarette, […]
How to create heart-centred goals
Lots of the women I know love to set themselves big goals. This is going to be the year that you finally start that business, have a child, go to six figures, take the trip of a lifetime, get fit … all these dreams and opportunities are so delicious and exciting! But I want to […]
The art of gracefully receiving
This time of year is all about giving and receiving. And if you’re like many women, you’re great at the giving part. It feels natural to want to give to those you care about, it feels great to see the difference that your gifts can make in other people’s lives, and of course, it makes […]
Feeling exhausted? Read this
I was speaking to several very successful women at an event a few weeks ago, and as the conversation turned to the upcoming holidays and end of the year, every single one of them told me the same thing: they felt worn down, disappointed in their progress, and desperate to fit “just one more thing” […]
The Magic of Repeating Yourself
Women like you and I are in a powerful place. Thankfully, we’re in it together and it’s true that we really do have the knowledge at our finger tips and the capacity to create, and experience, the lives and businesses that we truly desire. Does that seem far fetched to you? For many this is […]
How to Unblock Your Flow
Do you ever have those times where you just feel off? Like no matter what you do, you just feel a bit bottled up and stuck, a bit out of flow. I get this way sometimes too, as we all do — but I’ve found that there’s a very easy, very quick way to break […]
One of Many Voices: Maggie Currie
Maggie Currie is a transformational survivor, a wife, a mother, a grandmother, a lover of life, and a source of inspiration. What do you do? I am a coach, mentor, consultant, speaker, author and survivor. I help people unlock their future and coach using the 3 principles. Give us the big “why” you do […]
What do you want, really? How to get everything your heart desires
Let me ask you a question: how would you feel if I told you that from now on, in everything in every day, you could get your heart’s desire? Does it sound like something a bit dangerous, maybe even a bit subversive? Or does life getting your heart’s desires met sound like something you can’t […]
One of Many Women: Bettina Pickering
Bettina Pickering is “The Emotion Coach”. She helps business leaders, entrepreneurs and other people with dreams and help them change their hard-to-shift habits to reach their goals and aspirations. What do you do? My purpose is to help leaders and entrepreneurs break out of overwhelm, self-doubt, negative self-image and self-sabotage […]
What’s the big deal with Women’s Only stuff?
I’ve recently been asked to speak at the Damsels in Success Annual Conference Ignite! And it’s a women’s gig. And every time I mention something about “women’s events” I always get a comment or message on Facebook… “What’s the big deal with all this women’s only stuff? Are you trying to put the gender equality […]
One of Many Women: Heather Boon
Heather is a visionary and a Stress specialist. She is a nurturing guide to help women reach their full potential. What do you do? I help women to release their stress. We start by performing an easy Stress Health Check to identify where the stress responses are being held in their […]
One of Many Women: Thea Jolly
Thea is the Founder and Chief Executive Officer of The Habit Box, which provides gifts that inspires happy habits! What do you do? I’m a full-time mum to 3 children, Harvey (13), Jasmine (11) and Zach (8), and up until this summer was trying to keep myself sane with various fledgling […]
The Foundation of Flow
“I love him … but I’m not in love with him.” If you haven’t said it yourself, then I’m sure you’ve heard a friend say it. This situation is incredibly common in relationships, and it very often comes down to one thing: a lack of polarity. A matrix of opposites Although it sounds like something […]
One of Many Women: Sylwia Korsak
Sylwia is a Jane of all trades. She is a personal coach, social media practitioner, consultant, and the list goes on. What do you do? I am a social media adviser. I work with individuals and brands, primarily non-for-profit ones, to educate and mentor them towards informed decisions and […]
One of Many Women: Mary Jane Boholst
Mary Jane Boholst is the founder of Conscious Cocoon wherein she spends time helping introverts to get out from behind their computers and grow their businesses through networking. Give us the big “why” you do what you do? I am passionate about helping introverts to grow their businesses through […]
One of Many Women: Almira Ross
Almira Ross is an active member in our One of Many Voices community and is one of the Lead the Change members and has been nominated for her #LeadTheChange Project creating a Community Food Forest for her local women’s centre. What do you do? During the working day and week, […]
Selling from the Heart — It’s Not Just for Business
When I teach heart-centred business owners how to sell in a way that feels authentic and comfortable, they are often amazed at how smooth and easy the whole process becomes. Yes, even those conversations that used to feel so awkward and clunky become something you to look forward to! But what my clients also find […]