Whether it’s a career change, a house move, or the end of a relationship, change is hard. It’s crazy, right – you can be in a job that feels like it’s sucking your soul, an eating pattern that has you feeling like absolute crap or a relationship you know it’s time to end. And yet […]
One of many® ideas
That just might change your world.
A love letter to genuine sisterhood
How are things going for you right now? Has life thrown you a curveball… are you trucking on with the day to day… are the little things starting to mount up? Today I want to talk about the power of genuine sisterhood. In particular the part it can play when things aren’t going so well. […]
How to Consciously Craft Your Network
Want to know my biggest leadership secret – the thing that allows me to to what I do, day in, day out? It’s not me at all. You see, I wouldn’t be the leader I am without my support network. From our amazing team here, to Greg, to my sister Kath, my friends, and all […]
3 reasons to sort out your finances (and where to start)
“I just can’t do it!” I told Greg over breakfast. “They’re all so good! How can I possibly choose just one?”. “Well… do you have to?” I sighed. “I guess not. I mean, I am the boss.” I hate breaking my promises. Even writing this makes me feel uncomfortable. What are you thinking about me? […]
5 easy habits to create positive change
A while I was speaking to a friend who was feeling a little bit blue. She’d spent the previous weekend at a personal development seminar, and left feeling upbeat about how to create positive change and the road ahead for her business. But over the next few days she had felt that positivity drain out […]
Leaders: 5 signs it’s time to take stock
“I feel like I’m failing on every front.” Thousands of women had tuned in to find their momentum for change. And maybe they weren’t expecting to hear those words coming from my mouth. After all – from the outside, it probably looked as though I had it all together. We were hosting a stellar virtual […]
4 keys to unlock the power of the new year
Want to know how to unlock the power of the new year? For years, the first few days back after a holiday were total write-offs for me. I’d come back from some really lovely time off, rested and excited to dive back in, only to find that for some reason, I just couldn’t get any […]
My favourite end-of-year practice
We’re now just days away from 2025, and I am incredibly excited for the new year! One of my favourite things about this time of year – besides being past the last minute pre-Christmas overwhelm – is that it’s the perfect part of the annual cycle to pause, rest, and look inwards. That’s why I […]
How to find the hidden magic of the holiday season
Here in the northern hemisphere we are in the middle of winter. As the days reach their shortest and the nights stretch out, it’s time for the PowerType of the Sorceress to come to the fore. And this leadership archetype is where the magic of the holiday season is there to be found. (Don’t worry […]
How journalling can help you survive the holidays
Journalling is one of the most powerful and underrated tools there is when it comes to creating the life you want. And at times of year when there’s lots going on, family stresses, or emotions coming up, it can help us in powerful ways. So today I want to outline how journalling can help you […]
How coaching is different from mentoring
The question came up just a couple of weeks ago in our One of many coaches group. One of our certified coaches had been approached by a colleague to provide some support – only, was it coaching they wanted, or mentoring? It got me reflecting on just how coaching is different from mentoring and why […]
How to stop feeling tired
Want to stop feeling tired? Maybe that’s a silly question. A lot of us get so used to ‘running on empty’ we barely register we’re exhausted any more. But having energy to do the things you want to isn’t a luxury. It’s essential if you’re going to have the impact you’re capable of. What’s more, […]
Is this stopping you getting your finances sorted?
Finances are quickly becoming a priority for lots of us these days. Whether you’re already noticing your budget’s squeezed more than usual, or just “get finances sorted” to the long list of things you really ought to make some time to think about it can be hard to know where to start. After all, there’s […]
3 ways to reset when you’re feeling wobbly
If you’re feeling wobbly, sense you’re tipping into overwhelm, or find yourself slipping into “reaction” mode, lots of us do one of two things. Either we pretend it’s not happening and go back into “I’m fine!” mode, or we decide it’s time to turn everything upside down. New relationship, new job, new hobby – the […]
How to Create a Self-Care Plan and Why You Need One
What is self-care and why do you need it? By self-care, I mean purposely and actively taking time for yourself to do something that rejuvenates and energises you. Self-care is not an indulgence, it’s central to your wellbeing. I want to invite you to think about self-care differently and make it a priority in your […]
Why “Work-Life Balance” Isn’t the Solution for Women Today
I often hear women talk about “work-life balance” as the golden key to having it all – the career, the family, the friendships, and some elusive concept of self-care. It’s an idea that seems so logical on the surface, but over years of working with incredible women, I’ve come to see the cracks in this […]
How is wellness different from health?
When it comes to taking care of yourself, making sure you’re in optimum health has got to be a priority for all of us. It’s fundamental, isn’t it – if we’re not physically doing OK, there’s no way we can perform at our best intellectually, emotionally, or spiritually. If you’re sick, injured or unwell, you’re […]
Is this why you feel you have nothing to wear?
Over time, most of us build up quite the collection of clothes. We buy pieces that catch our eye online or in the shops. We buy outfits for special occasions. We might have clothes that’ve been gifted by friends or loved ones (that you may not even like…). The trouble for many women is that […]
The Power of Clarity, Love, and Support in Business Growth
In the dynamic world of entrepreneurship, where success stories often celebrate courage under pressure, it’s crucial to challenge a cultural belief deeply ingrained in our minds. We’ve been conditioned to think that people are at their most courageous when the stakes are high, and the pressure is on. While it’s true that many of us […]