Are you caught up in festive “busy-ness”? - Giving your all to preparations AND juggling everyday priorities?
This time of year, women all over the world are multi-tasking their way to the “big day” feeling increasingly overwhelmed- festive to do lists, diaries and schedules crammed with a ton of extra “must do’s!”
So often seasonal tasks compete with all the other usual priorities and demands on your time, it can make the countdown to Christmas feel like it’s filled with festive madness rather than festive cheer.
It’s not Christmas… it’s stress-mas!
Does that resonate with you?
Perhaps it’s not just Christmas but most of the year. We all know those work deadlines, engagements, family commitments and relationships that can all demand your time and attention. A daily juggling act of competing priorities that makes you want to reach for the wine and chocolate!
It’s exhausting isn’t it? But…
Just because it’s always been that way, doesn’t mean it has to stay that way.
Let me share with you how to find your way with ease and grace through those competing demands.
What to do when everything feels like a priority!
So many things to do and so little time to do it- sounds familiar hey?
But, hang on sister do you REALLY need to be doing all of it?
Keys to juggling priorities…
- Knowing what’s a priority
- Making decisions that are right for you
- Recognising you have a choice
- Using the right Powertype
At One of many, we know how precious time is, how important it is to get that balance just right so that you have more time to do the things you love.
So, here’s my solution…
Ways to Effectively Juggle Competing Priorities.
What is important to you?
When you’ve got 101 things demanding your attention it can be hard to distinguish exactly what your priorities are.
Priorities are like voices in your mind and some shout louder than others! But it doesn’t necessarily mean these are the most important- What IS important is to take the time to identify YOUR priorities.
My tip is to write a list of all of your commitments.
Ask this…
Do I really need to do this?When you get really clear on what is truly important to you, when you see all the stuff that demands your attention, realisation dawns that you just don’t need some of it in your life!
It’s not always easy to do but I’m sure you know what I’m talking about.
Would the world REALLY stop turning if you stepped down from the school PTA?
Set your boundaries.
Generally speaking, as women we’re not always great at saying no!
Let’s face it, we often…
- Do guilt
- Seek approval
- Think people won’t like us if don’t do something
- Exhaust ourselves multi-tasking to meet other’s needs
Learning to say no is a wonderful gift; your self-worth increases, it frees up your time and you feel great energetically- What are you waiting for?
I get it, saying no isn’t always easy. It may feel a little icky at first but believe me the more you do it, the more liberated you’ll feel!
Saying no to others is saying YES to yourself.
Wouldn’t it be nice to say “YES!” to that coffee with a friend? Instead of “I’m sorry, I’m too busy”.
Next time someone asks you to do something you haven’t got the time, energy or space for- Try this “I’m not able to do that right now but this might help” or “Thanks for asking but I can’t make that day.”
Other people demands.
You’re never going to get away from the demands of others- we all have valid commitments to family, to work, to relationships, but, what we can do, is manage those demands effectively so that you feel in control instead of overwhelmed.
If there’s one person in particular, say your boss, that’s responsible for competing priorities- try meeting their demands with this gem of a response.
“I’m happy to prioritise this task for you right now but it will mean that I will have to place the other projects you have given me on the back burner. Is that what you would like me to do?”
By taking action in this way you are pushing the decision back to them, this will help both of you to prioritise and leave you feeling a lot less overwhelmed.
Give yourself permission not to.
How often do you feel obliged to do something?
This is something I’m familiar with too. A few years back I put together a package, clients had signed up and I felt obliged to deliver. The trouble was it was harder than I thought! Much too expensive and taking up way too much time.
The solution?
To give myself permission NOT to do it. It wasn’t working for me so it wasn’t going to work for my clients.
Simply putting it out there energetically by saying to myself ‘You know what? I don’t have to do this’ enabled me to…
- Find the space to come up with a more creative solution
- Deliver an alternative programme without the stress
- Free up my energy for other tasks
This really great tip was first given to me by Wendy Harrington, one of our lovely team members here at One of many – Thank you, Wendy, you saved my life!
Try it yourself, next time you feel obliged to do something. Maybe visiting relatives this Christmas. Give it a go! – give yourself full permission NOT to and just notice how energetically, that can open up new ways of dealing with it.
Watch that stress melt away!
Accessing the right PowerType.
When juggling competing priorities, The Queen is perfect for the role. She is one of the 5 Women’s PowerTypes we work with at One of many. Although The Mother PowerType is great at multitasking, she’s a little too self-sacrificing for this task – What we need here, is The Queen, who…
- Has a clear vision of her future
- Knows what’s worth spending her time and energy on and what’s not!
- Recognises her own values and priorities and can make decisions aligned with them
Now, although it’s true we may all have different personalities the great thing is that we all have the ability to access to the PowerTypes, to call upon them at certain times for certain tasks- it’s simply a question of choosing the right PowerType for the right time.
I know this time of year is super busy! So, tell me how do you juggle your competing priorities?
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