Author: Alexandra Pope


  • Alexandra Pope

    Alexandra Pope is co-director of Red School and co-author of the iconic and hugely celebrated book from Hay House, Wild Power: discover the magic of the menstrual cycle and awaken the feminine path to power. Together with colleague and co-author, Sjanie Hugo Wurlitzer, she teaches a radical new approach to women’s health and wellbeing; creativity and leadership; and spiritual life based on the power of our menstruality consciousness. With a background in teaching, psychotherapy and hypnotherapy and drawing on 40 years collective experience pioneering this emerging field of menstruality, they offer workshops, online courses, training and coaching worldwide based on the power of the menstrual cycle, and the developmental journey from menarche to menopause. Find out more at

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Guest blog: What menopause means

Founder at One of many
Dr. Joanna Martin is the Founder and award-winning CEO of One of many®, the women’s leadership and coaching organisation created to help women increase their impact - without burning out.

Learn more about how Joanna supports women leaders to maintain greater impact at

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Joanna Martin
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“Menopause is an opportunity”. Let’s be honest, if you ask most people what menopause means, you won’t often hear that said! For those of you... Read more.
Intuition, mindset, vitality