How many things on your to-do list right now are to do with money? How do you feel when you think about them? Is there a reason you haven’t done them yet? And have you ever wondered how wealthy women manage money differently?
If you’ve got finance tasks you’re putting off, or money stuff is something you rush through to get out of the way, chances are you’re one of many women who feels anxious around money. Perhaps you have made financial mistakes in the past? Or maybe you think you’re ‘just not a numbers person’?
How wealthy women manage money
I remember when I first read that millionaires spend 8 times as many hours per month on managing their money as the average person. Quite honestly, it shook me.
8 times!
Like many of us, my perception of wealthy people had a LOT to do with the outward displays of wealth – the gorgeous holidays, the organic food, the incredible events they attended or master teachers they studied with.
What I hadn’t considered was the time wealthy people spend taking care of their finances. But the more I thought about it, the more obvious it seemed.
I thought about the people I know with good money habits. I mean the sort of people who order smart and tip well, or switch credit cards for a better deal, people who save and invest.
These people aren’t spending time on their money because they are wealthy, they are wealthy because they spend time on their money.
And of course, when our finances are in chaos we often do spend a lot of time thinking about them. It’s just that the time we spend tends to be the sort we don’t want to. Stressing about a bill payment, worrying about the future
, shaming ourselves for not having a better handle on the numbers.What if all that time and energy was invested consciously, confidently and clearly in creating positive financial shifts?
How to make managing your finances fun
I’ll be honest, filling out a tax return is not my idea of good time. It probably isn’t your idea of a good time either. But what if it didn’t have to be all bad?
- What if you set aside a special time every month to hang out with your money for a few hours? And as well as your bills and bank statements, you had a fresh cup of a coffee and something indulgent to eat?
- What if you found an online playlist with some of your favourite old music?
- What if instead spreading out all over your desk you pulled the kitchen table over to the window?
- What if instead of racing through the standing orders and direct debits to get it done you slowed down and took your time?
Would you start thinking more about saving and investing? Giving more to charity? Or just really appreciating the flow of money in and out of your life, and noticing with curiosity (not judgment or shame) the places where that flow could be a little smoother…
Bring back the love
I’ve talked before about treating your money like a lover, and one great way to do that is to think about your finance time as being a “date”. Nowadays, instead of money matters being something I routinely leave until the last minute (or leave to someone else!) I try to make a date with my money. And once I’ve done that I respect that date. And I enjoy it.
So, this week, I invite you to do the same. Spend some quality time with your finances.
Because that’s what the millionaires do.
Want some support to find clarity?
If making a date with your money sounds like a nightmare, or you’re scared of what you might find if you really got close to the numbers, why not join us for Wealth Insights? It’s our 3.5 hour workshop all about women and wealth. You’ll discover how wealthy women manage money, and what you can implement right away in your own life.
Whether you’re trucking pretty well and could do with a quick tune-up to review where you’re at, or feel like you’re starting from square one, you’ll get practical support and clear actions to move you forward. It’s free to access – just click here to register for your place.
How about you?
Are you committed to carving out time to look at the numbers, or do you tend to relegate financial planning to the bottom of the list? Let us know in the comments.
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