I have a confession to make. I was on a coaching call with my mentor, Ali Brown last night. And I realised once more how my crazy li’l mind holds me back. Well- she pointed it out to me, actually.
Anyone who knows me knows I’m a terrible networker. Give me a stage in front of 3000 people and I’m fine. Make me introduce myself to 1 person I admire- doesn’t happen!
Do you recognise IMPOSTER SYNDROME?!
Our conversation went a bit like this:
Ali: Would it be fair to say you run one of the largest and fastest growing women’s communities in the UK?
Jo: Yes.
Ali: I’ve never spoken to anyone who doesn’t LOVE you and your content. Is there anyone?
Jo: Maybe, but not many probably.
Ali: Why would anyone NOT want to hear from you?
Jo thinks: Because I’m just little ol’ me and they might not like me.
Jo says: Um… um… um….
Tell me I’m not alone?! I’m pretty sure I’m not the only successful woman out there who thinks one day someone is going to find out I’m only me and my successes have all been a giant fluke.
Does this sound familiar?
Imposter syndrome is really debilitating.
Even when we do succeed, many of us don’t feel we’ve earned it.
We worry that any moment we’ll be found out as the imposters we know ourselves to be.
We feel the need to work harder, we won’t put ourselves forward, and we hide behind charm or false humility.
Yet, the world that needs us is missing our talents because we don’t feel good enough.
We need to “own” our talents, and really claim our leadership potential.
So- I made a commitment to Ali to reach out to three new contacts a week.
I invite you to make a commitment too.
Rather than 3, can I suggest 300 though?
How about joining me and over 300 successful women at the One Woman Conference in November?
It’s a 2-day gathering of extraordinary speakers, leaders and grassroots change makers. Many of us, like me, like you perhaps, suffering from Imposter Syndrome, but are committed to staying connected in spite of it!
A lovely lady commented on a recent blog I wrote about Overcoming Imposter Syndrome that she had lived with it all her life but was finally taking steps to conquer it. Imposter Syndrome is something that hangs around but it doesn’t need to stop you when you have the right strategies.
In the blog I shared these 8 strategies
1. Reach out to someone.
2. Remind yourself what you have achieved.
3. Create an ‘I rock’ file
4. Own your success
5. Shift from ‘me’ focus to ‘other’ focus
6. Stop comparing yourself to little miss perfect
7. Be unafraid to feel it
8. Name it
Step 1 Reach out to someone is crucial.
Find sources of support that you can turn to in those moments of fear. The people who will champion you, encourage you and remind you how great you are. I feel truly blessed to be surrounded by the most amazing supportive people in my life.
Do you have a good support network?
We all need support and encouragement and the people I surround myself with really help me to keep going when that little voice of doubt creeps in. Our ever growing One of many community is a powerfully supportive place for women. I witness time and again women really stepping up to what they feel called to do with this level of support. It’s remarkable and definitely what we women need because we were not designed to do things in isolation. We thrive in community and collaboration.
The One Woman Conference delegates are business owners, and corporate leaders; managers and mums; activists and action takers. What brings us together? A shared sense that when women find the courage to step up to the level they feel called to, the whole world benefits.
Are you looking for a community like this? Do you feel ready for the most transformational 2 days of your life and career, guaranteed?
If you do then come and join us.
We’ll give that Imposter Syndrome a firm kick up the arse, and get you connected with incredible women who see your potential.
We are now over 79% sold out and only have 15 Premiere tickets left. You deserve to be there. Don’t let the little imposter brain not let you get your ticket today.
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