Women like you and I are in a powerful place. Thankfully, we’re in it together and it’s true that we really do have the knowledge at our finger tips and the capacity to create, and experience, the lives and businesses that we truly desire. Does that seem far fetched to you?
For many this is still a theory, yet to be experienced for real. You know “there’s more”, and yet it often feels just out of reach. Can you relate to this?
If you have a vision of yourself in different circumstances – of any kind, take heart know that it’s possible to get there, but the path may bring up many demons along the way. (Ain’t that the truth!)
If you ever have those demons pop up, read on!
Setting out to get the to the heart of the matter of mind-set development and brain reprogramming – and having read the works of many, many giants on the topic, I connected with a carefully handpicked selection of 25 experts recently which includes Hay House and New York Times Best Selling Authors and highly acclaimed International Speakers who generously shared their wisdom and experience of how they have evolved their thinking to evolve their lives.
“”…You’ve might have heard that many times too? It’s also the key to unlocking the door to reprogramming your brain – your thinking, your words and your actions, which creates everything you experience.
Almost every person had a story of adversity – and of overcoming it. The Hero, or Heroine’s Journey is part of the human experience for so many, and the reason for sharing that, is to focus on the overcoming part. To realise that if one person can create the outcome they desire, so can you. So can we all. But we have to make choices. A decision to be prepared to face whatever is in front of us and to take action with faith, and be connected to a desire, a reason why, that’s so strong it will keep you on the path, no matter what.
Now that might sound like a tall order? Well, back to the repetition I mentioned before. Careful to take note that progress is being made, and not to keep repeating what isn’t working, among many other things, these habits came out on top:
- A daily personal exercise routine that gets energy flowing around the body.
- Writing or journaling as a way to connect with the inner self – ask questions, purge frustration, get clarity.
- Mentally focussing on a specific desired outcome and visualising that outcome like it has already happened, embodying the feelings.
- A meditative practice that allows you to listen to inner guidance. Sitting, running, swimming..whatever takes you to that zone.
- An awareness that there’s a part of you that you have to fight against sometimes to get to where you desire – resistance and fear are normal; and have a strategy to over come it. (nb If you experience resistance and fear and you’ve not read “The War of Art” or “Turning Pro” by Steven Pressfield. Get them. Read them, and know that what you experience as resistance is part of the process you have to overcome).
- Connecting with people regularly who were positive, driven, happy and motivated.
Now I’m not suggesting that everyone has to have the Heroine’s Journey experience , but when you have awareness of what’s possibly going on for you inside your head, and that it’s possible to tame the tiger, you have the power to create a solution, a strategy to support you. So much of what we have to overcome at times is inside our own heads, so getting firmly committed to ourselves is the very first step. And keep recommitting until you get there.
Personally, I believe wholeheartedly:
- That anything is possible.
- There are at least 3 solutions to every challenge
- That we are programmed to grow and expand throughout our entire life.
- Challenges, when they come, are opportunities.
- We’re not meant to do this alone.
Your mindset is one of the most essential keys to creating and experiencing whatever it is you desire. Do an mindset audit. What are your beliefs? Question them. Tune them up. Create the positive focus. Build the muscle everyday that you CAN be all that you desire. And enjoy the process of expansion as you start to feel life shift in your favour.
Write down your top 20 beliefs about money, abundance and happiness. What do they reveal? If you write what you’d choose to believe – what would that look like instead?
If you’d love to go deeper on this one, and receive all of the steps and strategies in full, you can access the interview series yourself. Tune in and hear what the lovely Jo Martin had to share on the subject, as well as other highly acclaimed speakers on Self-Love, Money Mindset, Creating Happiness, Busting Through Limiting Beliefs, Motivation and Emotional Healing and more.
You can pre-register for The Wealth Mindset Expert Series and access them here (they’re released next week!)
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