Heather is a visionary and a Stress specialist. She is a nurturing guide to help women reach their full potential.
What do you do?
I help women to release their stress. We start by performing an easy Stress Health Check to identify where the stress responses are being held in their body. Next, we select from a menu of different techniques to release those stressors and bring their body back into balance. This creates a more relaxed state of being and reduces dis-ease in their body.
Give us the big “why” you do what you do?
Having lived with stress throughout my life, I know how easily it can escalate into something that impacts our level of enjoyment and confidence. As women we often put our needs last, and don’t pay attention to the whispers of our bodies, until they become screams. I am continually studying the impact of stress on our bodies, and how this can be mitigated to create a more relaxed and fulfilled life. I am absolutely passionate about sharing these solutions with other women, so they too can create the life they deserve and desire.
Give us a daily routine of your normal day.
Very unexciting. I wake early and do my morning rituals of meditation, mantra, self-care and preparing nourishment for the day. I then spend my day with my beautiful family of clients assisting them to heal and grow. I may go to a networking event or meet with clients or associates for a coffee date. In the afternoon I go for a walk to ground myself and stretch my body and in the evening I am usually studying or reading along with my end of day rituals to review my day. I retire fairly early so I am fresh and rested for the next day.
What demands do you balance every day in conjunction with your work?
As my son is now an adult and I am single at this point in time, I have created a fairly relaxed lifestyle to ensure I am in the best space to support my clients. I naturally have family relationships and friendships that I am committed to, and ensure I allocate time to spend with these people regularly. I also do volunteer work for a not for profit and spiritual retreat. I am so much more relaxed about fitting all of these aspects of my life in now and have learned to say no, when I need to.
How do you feel about women’s “lot” these days?
I think women are the linchpins of most families and are taking on more and more in an attempt to pack more into our lives. They are having less time to care for themselves, and that is impacting on their health and vitality incrementally over time. I balance this by taking the time I need to support my wellbeing, which means I am far more effective through the busy times, as they are in shorter bursts rather than never ending cycles.
How does femininity and Soft Power feature in your business/ career? What does it look like?
I draw on heart centered strength in what I do, to create a nurturing and healing environment for my clients. Intuition plays a large role in how I work with each individual to ensure they receive exactly what they need, and this is different for each person.
What is the most common emotion you feel as a woman on a day-to day basis?
As I work with my family of clients, hear the stories of their lives and the challenges they face. I am filled with compassion, along with a passionate desire to help them create more ease for themselves.
What’s the most common emotion you think the man that is closest to you feels each day?
Do you think you people around you understand who your authentically are?
I think people understand who I am, however I do need to define myself better on social media and am in the process of that currently.
How important do you think vulnerability is in life and career?
Vulnerability is very important in all aspects of our lives. When we allow ourselves to be vulnerable, we connect authentically to ourselves and those around us which in turn builds trust. I have certainly experienced being vulnerable several times in uncomfortable situations, during intense personal development trainings. That is part of the experience, to push ourselves beyond our boundaries and break free of our conditioning.
What do you do for SoftPlay? How do you look after yourself?
I could certainly do more of this, however I do occasionally escape on day trips to my favorite spot in the mountains to meditate and be one with nature. I gift myself semi regular massages with my amazing massage therapist to support my own health and healing. I regularly visit a beautiful spiritual healer who addresses any stress I am holding in my body and any other issues that come during our time together. Hanging out with my awesome power women mastermind group, family and friends.
How do you juggle your relationship and business?
This can sometimes be a little less than great; I am working on spending more quality time with family and friends as I don’t have a partner at this time.
How do you think tapping into your femininity (playing to your strengths as a woman), would impact your relationships with men?
I feel being more feminine in my interaction can only enhance my relationships with men. I believe there are men who are confused about their role. We, as women can give them mixed messages, allowing them to stand tall and be men builds their confidence and self-worth.
Do you exercise your #righttobesoft in your workplace? If so, how?
Thinking of the experience I create for my clients, I need to be soft to facilitate the healing process for them. There is a process I follow each day to ensure I am in the right space, enabling me to hold a safe space for my clients. I do this by grounding myself, connecting to source and asking for guidance in the work I do.
What’s one “breakthrough” you have had in your life, that shifted the way you saw things – how did it impact those around you?
Most recently during Mercury Retrograde I received a lightning bolt of insight on the meaning of a childhood memory. I realized this seemingly insignificant memory was the root cause of what had been a lifelong pattern within my family. I was expected to modified myself into what my siblings wanted me to be, the one who carried the burden of responsibility for all. All the pieces fell into place in an instant and I couldn’t believe it had taken so long to see this toxic pattern, and where it had originated. The impact for others is I no longer own that responsibility, and am authentically myself despite the circumstances.
Who do you look up to as a woman?
Oprah Winfrey, Louise Hay, Inna Segal, Jodi Chapman – there are so many amazing women to model.
Where do you look for hope?
Meditation, connection to all that is, and my spiritual mentor.
What do you tell yourself when times are tough?
Change your thinking, change your world.
What’s the soundtrack of inspiration for you?
Can I have 2? The Climb by Miley Cyrus and You Raise Me Up by Josh Groban
Who have you listened to lately that motivated you to take action on something, anything? And why?
Dr Wayne Dyer – My Greatest Teacher Movie – This movie shows how important it is to forgive, not for the person we are forgiving but for ourselves. Forgiveness is one of the most powerful tools we can use to free ourselves from what binds us. It is also very powerful to forgive ourselves for what we perceive as our failures.
What are you doing to help elevate the women of developing nations?
I am a lifetime member of B1G1, for each client I see a contribution is made to women’s causes in developing countries, mostly in the fields of health and education.
Who’s voice do you think we need to hear in the One of Many Community>
Jodi Chapman
You can get in touch with Heather here:
Facebook page: Heather Boon
Website: www.heatherboon.com
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