Money is your ally ladies.
A couple of weekends ago we had our inaugural BeWealth retreat where 30 committed women turned money from a problem into an ally to create the world they want. Well done ladies… you can read more below about how one woman, Muna, overcame malaria to get there. Oh my God! A super inspiring story…
Also- we’d love your help… The women who attended BeWealth entered a competition: “Express Your Selfie”. We’d love your help to be the judge. Details below.
BeWealth Retreat: 24-26 Jan 2015…a recap
If you weren’t one of the women able to join us, let me tell you a little about the BeWealth Retreat. It was the first of our Retreat Workshops, which we are delivering as part of the One of Many program of events. To get there, the only prerequisite was being in need of some transformation around your relationship with money. Most women who attended had been to our One Woman Conference, or seen Jo Martin speak about the BeWealth retreat at a partner event last year.
This wasn’t any ordinary Wealth event, and it wasn’t about ticking boxes and building lists of unachievable goals to make more, more, more. This was Retreat. Two full days of nurturing, in a hotel, with like-minded women, great food, pool and yes…sauna!
It was a great privilege to be witness to the extraordinary changes and shifts in awareness and understanding of our wonderful women as we went through the weekend. This was a Wealth Workshop like none other, moving us away from the old traditional masculine paradigm of ‘more, more, more’ to “sufficiency and in harmony with the planet.
Susie Health, Trainer
The Retreat is firmly rooted in soft power, well and truly drawing on our inherent feminine energy to create a sacredness around money and the way we relate to it.
The women entered on the Thursday night to a room lit by rock salt lamps, candles, throws and cushions.
You see, we here at One of Many take the word “wealth” from its true etymology: “well-being”.
We believe that empowering women to create a strong, powerful and ‘well-being’ driven relationship with money, will help us create the leaders of tomorrow. As we all know money gets you places!
And worrying about it doesn’t!
It wasn’t just the content that struck a chord though. It was the feeling of togetherness and community which so many of us lack in our day to day.
It was such an immense joy to see women becoming not only empowered and positive around money, but also reconnecting with a deeper inner sense of who they are and what they most want to bring to the world. They left Be Wealth as women who are fully committed to being and leading the change they care most about.
Annie Stoker, Trainer
So who gets your vote? #expressyourselfie
Last week we asked the women attending BeWealth to put together 6 short videos, just from their phones, telling us the challenges they had to overcome to get to BeWealth.
Our two finalists were now announced on our fan page and you can see them below:
Follow us there to vote for the #expressyourselfie winner and for your chance to win a complimentary ticket to One Woman Conference in March.
Dr Joanna Martin: Founder,| Author| Women’s Speaker| Entrepreneur| Ex-doctor| Loud Sister| Baby Wrangler = No professional training but do a fine job nonetheless!
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