Discover your greatest value and how to thrive in your career or business in uncertain times

Join Dr Joanna Martin and the One of manyTM training team
for this once in a lifetime, online opportunity.

Clarity in Career


At the best of times we find our own individual turning-point moments.   They are moments where we choose to reflect on the meaning we find in our work, and how we can be of greatest service in the world. Sometimes we change career.  Sometimes we start a business. Sometimes we go for the promotion we dream of.


We’re absolutely present to the challenges we face.  And yet many of us can also feel into the possibility of these times. It feels like important doors might well be opening.  But then we are also facing greater uncertainty than ever before in our generation.

In our community we have women being made redundant or furloughed and not sure about the future.  We have women leading teams who are having to make tough decisions, and help their teams remain fruitful in the face of chaos.  We have self-employed women who have found their work dry up overnight, living with the hope that it will all go back to normal at some point in the future.  And still others in health care, or other organisations where they are busier than ever before…

For most of us, whatever plans we thought we had for the immediate future have been (at best) put on hold, more likely changed dramatically.   We can hope things will go back to normal…


The economy will be different.  What we collectively care about will be different.  Therefore, for each of us, the value we can truly provide will be different.

Those that thrive both during these times and after these times are those that KNOW, OWN AND PRESENT their value most effectively.  The only way to do this is to truly understand your talents and to be able to see what people will pay you for- now, in an emergency; and into the future- in a new economy.

I don't know what the future will bring.  None of us does.

But I do know that those who know themselves best, who own their skills and deep talents, will be the leaders that contribute most, and shape the horizon in a new way.

So - let’s make sure you’re ready to respond, right?


What is Clarity in Career?

Ordinarily at this time of year, we would be hosting our live, in-person retreat called “BeFulfilled: Your Life’s Work”. Sadly, with the COVID-19 situation we have had to postpone the live event.

As such, we are offering this unique online weekend retreat as a bonus to those attendees who are already registered. We will be taking the lessons of career and business design and applying them to the IMMEDIATE challenges many are facing in their careers.


And since we’re hosting this bonus event online, we thought we’d invite everyone in our community to join in. After all, many of us in the UK are locked down in our homes. Many of our friends abroad who can’t make in person retreats usually, could join us virtually.

So, we’re taking advantage of this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to throw the doors open and invite you to join us too.

What will you learn?

The specifics of what we will be covering at this training will be informed by you.  As soon as you register you will be sent a survey to ask what are the most pressing issues you have in the context of your business or career right now in these challenging times.

But so far the plan looks like we’ll be covering topics like this:

  • Deeply understand your talents, skills and abilities. Discover what makes you unique so that you can own your value and get paid what you’re worth. (Note: your true talents in crisis times might be very different to what you’re currently being paid for. Being able to distinguish this right now is critical).
  • Discover how to stop “raising your voice” on social media, joining in the melee of people stressed and shouting for attention; and instead “raise your mission” so that your prospective clients or employers notice you. Make no mistake, how we lead during this time will dictate who will work with us and why in the future.
  • Benefit from the business advice of successful entrepreneurs who have grown million pound plus businesses from the ashes of the last major economic downturn.
  • Determine whether you’re authentically happier as an entrepreneur, employee, freelancer or non-profit founder. And be aware that in times of instability, being flexible in this may need to be required.
  • Distinguish your ideal lifestyle from your necessities and make concrete plans for earning enough to survive an economic downturn if required.
  • Appreciate the right time horizon to be working with right now. We often plan to a 3-year horizon, but in times of great flux we need to feel into what is the correct time horizon to be working with. Create solid plans from this place.
  • Identify the one obstacle holding you most stuck in your earning potential right now, release it and plot a course forward.
  • Appreciate true collaboration and how to overcome barriers to getting the support you need.
  • Discover the key to staying grounded and fulfilled in every moment, regardless of results.
  • Deeply explore the wisdom of the Women’s PowerTypes in the context of your career and leadership.
  • Enjoy a profound evening class of embodiment of the wisdom you are learning- helping you back to power, peace and calm.
  • Discover communication strategies for leading in times of crisis.
  • Tune into your body’s different energetic needs right now, and how to access radical compassion for maximum fruitfulness.
  • Discover where to find certainty in times of uncertainty.
  • Learn tips for managing the heightened juggle we all find ourselves in.

"Everyone has been made for some particular work, and the desire for that work has been put in every heart"


Clarity in Career

Discover your greatest value and how to thrive in your career or business in uncertain times
Only 3 places remaining

Bonus Program: Fulfillment in action

Clarity in Career will be a powerfully transformational 2 days. It takes time to implement everything you will learn so we will follow it up with the 6-week Fulfillment in Action program.

In the first 4 weeks after the event you'll review key pieces step-by-step – and put it into practice. And in the final 2 weeks of the program, you’ll discover exactly how to position and market yourself to grow your business, or advance your career.

This valuable bonus training includes:

  • 6 x 30 minute training videos to help you review, integrate and implement the key lessons from the retreat, and introduce you to the new content.
  • 3 x live Q&A Calls, hosted by one of our specialised in-house trainers.

By the end of Fulfillment in Action, you will:

  • Craft your professional positioning so that you can attract opportunity like a magnet.
  • Have rewritten your professional biography so that all your social media platforms fully represent your true brilliance.
  • Overcome Imposter syndrome, and learn how to present yourself in both the written word and other forms so that people sit up and take notice.

When and Where?

Workshop dates

The Clarity in Career workshop runs Friday the 24th to Saturday the 25th of April, 2020

Workshop Times

All times are in London time (British Summer time)

Friday 24th April, 2020
9:30am - 5:30pm

Evening Class (optional but highly recommended)
8pm - 9:30pm

Saturday 25th April, 2020
9:30am - 5:30pm


Online using the Zoom platform. When you enrol you will be sent the details to join.

Through the wonders of technology you will be able to ask loads of questions, meet your fellow participants in small breakout rooms, and generally enjoy a completely transformational experience.

While the best case scenario is that you can dive in and give all your attention to your own personal growth and professional development for the full two days, we fully understand you may be juggling the needs of children or elderly family or neighbours at the same time. So the sessions will all be recorded and made available for 6 months after the live event for you to catch up any pieces you miss.

How to enrol

This truly is a unique opportunity. Once we are able to return to events, we are very unlikely to be hosting complete transformational online events like this in future.  But we want to support as many people as we can whilst we find ourselves in these strange times!

So your tuition fee to Clarity in Career is just £495 (that’s a saving of almost 60% on the live, in-person retreat).  You can also choose to split it into 3 monthly payments of £165 if that is easier on your budget right now. Please note if you choose to pay in full you will receive a special bonus of “BeFruitful: Time and Energy Management for Busy Women" valued at £247.

Places are limited as our software can only accept a limited number of people, so reserve your spot now.

Only 3 places remaining
100% happy guarantee

I know that this workshop will help you uncover your greatest contribution, and find clarity in your career and finances. Which is why I am confident to offer you what could seem like a crazy guarantee!

Join me for the online workshop, and stay up until lunch time on the second day, and if you are still not convinced that what you have learnt will make a difference in your career and life, just contact us and you will receive a 100% refund.

What previous participants say about the related, in-person retreat (BeFulfilled)

"I was inspired to change my business to help my community. I can honestly say, I've never felt so good about myself and how I show up in the world."
Heidi Strickland-Clark
Founder, FastTrack Fit Camp
"I found my mission in life and learnt to listen to my inner voice. As a result, I am now in my dream job."
Kathryn Culley
HR Professional
"I had become disconnected from my career choice and suffered burnout. At the training, I found the clarity I needed that I was in the right career. I also found my purpose and I was able to increase the fufillment element in my life with a side project to connect people to nature."
Sarah Simons
"I have been going crazy for a long time trying to work this stuff out for myself. Thank you so much for sharing and showing me the way. I feel clear now, and know the perfect vocational path for me.”
Kay Daze
Founder Young Downs Group.
"As a marketing consultant I have always made others visible and hidden behind the brand. I knew that I needed to be visible with my new business as a marketing trainer and mentor. As a result of BeFulfilled I now have clarity and the confidence to step into my light.”
Shari Thompson
Marketing educator

Meet your trainers


Dr Joanna Martin

One of Many™
Visionary. Coach.
Catalyst. Entrepreneur.
Activist. Protective Sister.
Toddler Wrangler. Seeker.

Annie Stoker

Master Trainer and Head of Coaching One of Many™
Psychotherapist. Author.
Property Investor.
Chilled-Out Friend.

Susie Heath

Master Trainer and Coach
One of Many™
Fashion Designer.
Horticulturist. Author.
Grandmother. Dancer.
Lover of Men.

Stephanie Aitken

In-house Trainer and Coach
One of Many™
Lawyer. Trainer. Coach.
Yogi. Globe-trotter.
Celebrator of life

Nathalie Baron

In-house Trainer and Coach
One of Many™
Career architect. Personal branding strategist.
Certified coach. Citizen of the world.
Passionate mum. Life lover.

Sara Price

In-house Trainer and Coach
One of Many™
Entrepreneur. Trainer.
PR maven. Dancer. Dreamer.
Doting Aunty.

Frequently Asked Questions

Clarity in Career

Discover your greatest value and how to thrive in your career or business in uncertain times
Only 3 places remaining

© One of many Ltd