Enrol in a course

Personal and professional development for women leaders.

Being a powerfully supportive community of women is just One of many things we do. We also provide cutting edge, impactful courses and programs for the personal and professional development of women leaders.

Our graduates tell us it is the most profound and transformational work they have done.

And many speak from over 20 years experience in personal growth
and leadership. Heck- many of them TEACH it!

Because of the unique collaboration between the three women behind the content, bringing over 63 years experience coaching women, we know we have the best of the best for women. We draw on medicine, science, mindfulness, psychology, and a deep understanding of femininity to create the most holistic, yet practical tools and trainings to foster women leaders on the planet.

Online programmes
Learn from the comfort of your own home.


Time and Energy Secrets for Busy Women

An online programme to take you from frantic to fruitful.

Living the Change
Unleash the real you

An online transformational programme to guide you through a uniquely crafted journey to rediscover YOU.


Meet up with us in person

One Woman Conference

Find your courage. Be more effective. Lead powerfully.


Weekend retreats
Take some time out just for you


BeWealth: Your Life’s Legacy

A 2-day retreat to turn money from a problem into a powerful ally to shape the world the way you want it.

At BeWealth, we delve deep into how you specifically are creating your life’s legacy, and how you can revolutionise your relationship with money. You will map out your own realistic, inspiring, and feminine way to wealth.

BeLove: Relationships for Life

A 2-day retreat to transform your personal relationships, and discover profound self-love.

You are invited to join us for the most loved of the One of many retreat series- BeLove. Nothing stops us faster in our tracks than problems in the realm of the heart.


BeFulfilled: Your Life’s Work

A 2-day retreat to discover and refine your career path, and make every work day a day on purpose.

For many women their greatest challenge in work is finding their purpose. Without a sense of meaning, our motivation evaporates. Still more of us find something meaningful, but because of our love, we make compromises on how much we are willing to make.

BeVital: Energy for Life

A 2-day retreat to unleash your maximum energy and effectiveness.

Women are burning out 60% more than men. We are more than twice as likely to have mental health issues, and we’re sleeping nowhere near enough. Successful women are getting sick, and fast.


The transformation for me since Be Wealth has been incredible. I billed £32,000 within nine weeks of the course. Which is more than I had billed in the previous nine months combined. My husband has been able to leave the job he loathed, and I am responsible for our future. It feels amazing!


Leadership & Coaching
Join one of our signature programmes.


Lead the Change
Leadership Training and Coaching Programme

Our Premier 12-month Leadership Training and Coaching Program

One of many
Women's Coaching

Training and certification for those interested in becoming a One of many Certified Women’s Coach.


Step out of overwhelm and into leadership

Together we will change the world.